Specializing in Masterson Method bodywork with area-specific massage and trigger point therapy for all equines.
Discover what the Masterson Method® bodywork can do for your horse!
Why bodywork?
Masterson Method® Bodywork can help relieve tension in muscles, improve joint range of motion and improve connection with the horse by working with them. Bodywork can be extremely beneficial in helping the horse’s body (and mind) relax, which can make upcoming appointments (farrier, dental, chiropractic) more effective.
• Releases tension throughout the core muscles by working with the horse instead of on
• Helps locate tension patterns
• Promotes movement and benefits the range of motion
• Relieves muscle soreness and tension
• Releases endorphins (the body’s natural pain killer)
• Helps to break down scar tissue
• Helps to increase circulation
• Uses specific points to relieve muscle tension, knots, and compensatory holding patterns
Monique Valentine, MMCP, MMES
Masterson Method® Certified Practitioner, Masterson Method® Equine Speciaist